On 5 Oct 2018, The 15th World Elite Young Leaders Summit and 2018 London China Forum held on National Liberal Club in London. The conference discussed the Cultural Interaction Between China and Western Countries, which was analized and disscussed by professionals who have deep research in the Chinese cluture, organized by Big Ben Award Committee, British Chinese Youth Federation, Commonwealth Young Leaders Chamber, The Fiji-China Friendship Association, Intercultural Society (London), UCL Tea Society, UCL Elite Leaders Society, etc, sponsored by See Woo Group.

The conference was hosted by Ying Wang, General Secretary of BCYF and Joe Ying, President of UCL Tea Society, President of UCL Elite Leaders Society (UCL Branch of BCYF)

The invited keynote speakers include Professor Yinya Jonsson LI (Chair of BCYF, Chinese Founder of Big Ben Award, Board Member of Seasilk Road Fund Management, Visiting Professor of Renmin (People) University of China, Visiting Research Fellow of Peking University, Author of Investing in China, Author of City of London TOPIC: Big Ben Award and Culture Exchange), Justin Glass (Chairman of the Trustee Board of The European-Atlantic Group, TOPIC: A Meeting of Minds Sino-Britiish Perspective), Le LI (The Deputy Director of News Department of Phoenix TV, TV presenter, Winner of 2016 Big Ben Award Outstanding Chinese Young Persons Prize (UK & Europe Area) TOPIC: The Chinese People Never Die), Crystal Leung (Executive Chair of BCYF, Winner of International Women Entrepreneur Achievement Prize of 2010 Big Ben Award TOPIC: Chinese Wedding Culture in the UK Practise), Christian Vinante (Founder Chairman of Italian Tories, Deputy Director of BCYF, Winner of the 2017 Big Ben Award International Network Prize TOPIC: Difference on Internet Control Between CN and West), Eric Francis Manu (Candidate of 2018 Big Ben Award, TOPIC: What Chinese HNW’s Want – Luxury Lifestyle), Si Wang (Magician, Winner of Big Ben Award 2010 UK Ten Outstanding Chinese Young Persons Prize & 2016 Art Innovation Prize, TOPIC: Culture, Style and Magic), Tom Chalmers (Director of Legend Times, TOPIC: The Drive for More Chinese Content to be Exported Globally and the Opportunity for the West), Beibei Wang (Opera Singer, Winner of 2017 Big Ben Award Global Ten Outstanding Chinese Young Persons Prize TOPIC: The Culture Difference from the Music Art).

There were ten members of the discussion of the conference panel, which combined by Professor Yinya Jonsson LI, Lord MEREWORTH, Justin Glass, Xiaojiu ZHU (President of the UK Society of Chinese Lawyers), Professor Junwang John Tang (Director of UCL Materials Hub), Jonathan Reuvid, Fujisawa Asako (President of The Inter-Cultural Society), Nic Careem (Chair of the Blue Sky Village Holding), Tom Chalmers, Christian Vinante

The 2018 London Declaration and Action Plan were released by the volunteers team of the conference.

World Elite Young Leaders Summit has been held for more than 15 years and previous held in Paris, Beijing, London, Hefei, Fuzhou, and other cities.

The full article for the “The 2018 London Declaration and Action Plan” shown below:

The 2018 London Declaration and Action Plan

15th World Elite Young Leaders Summit and 2018 London China Forum

Cultural Interaction Between China and Western Countries Under the Background of B&D

National Liberal Club, London 5th Oct 2018

We, the Leading Oriental News, Big Ben Award Committee, British Chinese Youth Federation, The Inter-Cultural Society (London), Commonwealth Young Leaders Chamber, The Fiji-China Friendship Association, UCL Tea Society, UCL Elite Leaders Society etc., held the 15th World Elite Young Leaders Summit and 2018 London China Forum in London on 5th of October, 2018.

It was emphasized at the summit that the purpose of promoting communication, understanding, mutual benefit and progress between China and western countries in aspects of economy and culture was paramount.

Many aspects of cultural conflict and integration between China and western countries were discussed. These ranged from trade friction between China and America; to internet control between China and West; the drive for more Chinese content to be exported globally; the opportunity for the West to wed culture between China and the West; the cultural effects of Chinese and western legal systems; music and art conflict and integration with the West; Chinese and Japanese cultural integration; and the prospect of all-round cooperation based on the current international affairs’ background.

We realized that the World Elite Young Leader Summit and the London China Forum has become the crucial platform for promoting mutual benefit between China and the West and an effective mechanism for pragmatic cooperation through joint effort. We resolved to continue to practice these functions. Therefore, in this conference we reaffirmed that we will maintain the consensus that has been achieved and further its objectives. The pursuit of peace and development has been the common objective in the collaboration between China and the West.

We believe that contemporary Chinese culture still follows the outstanding tradition of ‘treasuring harmony’ inherited from previous generations and we regard this as a cardinal principle of Chinese and western communication. Peaceful coexistence and harmonious development are always missions that we pursue and fulfill responsibly. The dynamic, energetic and vibrant Chinese youth presents a new way of interpreting the conflict and integration between China and the West.

We hereby solemnly declare that harmonious co-existence is the fundamental principle with mutual benefit being the ultimate goal in collaboration between China and the West. We strive to learn culture from each other, to alleviate conflicts and positively seek for integration so as to maximize mutual interest. We are fully confident of attaining our goals.

We will:

  • Intensify cultural communication, seeking common ground while accepting existing differences in multifaceted cooperation.
  • Be dedicated to world peace development, taking actual actions and generating social values.
  • Pay great heed to the youth of today, gaining through their updated ideas and their many and various ways of infusing contemporary elements into the collaboration of China and the West.

We strongly believe that the cultural integration between China and the West is conducive to mutual development, world stability and peace.

We highly appreciate and show our gratitude to all the speakers, audience, volunteers and the staff who have been hard-working and have achieved an excellent performance. We are delighted to see the outcome we have obtained and we appreciate the many congratulations we received for this successful event.

By Yinya Jonsson LI, Siyao CUI, and YY YU

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